homeopathy treatment for infertility

Infertility is the inability of a couple to conceive after having unprotected sex for 12 months. The cause of infertility may be due to male factor or female factor. It has been found that there is an exponential rise in the cases of infertility in India in the past five years. Age, smoking, consumption of alcohol, change in lifestyle and diet, and other health conditions are reasons for this.
Though the chances of conceiving in one year vary among couples, there is a growing section of population that is not able to do so. There are a lot of medical causes that lead to infertility in couples including obesity, eating disorders, and hormonal problems, over/under exercising, STDs, stress, sperm disorders, ovulation disorders and others.


Infertility is diagnosed differently in men and women using diagnostics. For men, tests like sperm analysis, ultrasound, and a general exam are done. For women, ovarian reserve testing, laparoscopy, pelvic ultrasound, Chlamydia testing, hormonal tests and a general exam are done.


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