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Diabetes is becoming one of the most common diseases around the world. A huge population suffers from diabetes which offers very less chances of complete cure. Most of the times, patients have to continue on medicines and rely on a healthy lifestyle to manage the disease. This health condition affects the way in which your body handles glucose. The problem arises from the hormone, insulin, which aids your body in storing and using the sugar and fat you consume. A person begins suffering from diabetes when very little or almost no insulin is produced. The problem can also arise when your body does not respond as expected to insulin.

Diabetes is considered to be a metabolism disorder because metabolism refers to the way in which digested food is used by our body for energy and growth. A substantial part of the food we eat is broken down into glucose which is a primary source of fuel for our body.
Glucose takes the help of insulin to enter the cells in our body. Insulin is a hormone which is released by the pancreas which is an organ located behind our stomach. Once we eat, enough insulin is produced by our body to help the glucose reach the cells. Successful completion of the process will reduce the blood-glucose level in your body to normal.


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